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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kijabe AIDSRelief Project

I found this link for a video about AIDSRelief that I was involved in the last three months in Kenya. It's maybe 10 minutes...enjoy!
Beware, you need Windows Media Player. Okay, to tell you the truth, I didn't try another one. Just let me know if it doesn't work and I"ll email it to you if you want.

Friday, June 13, 2008

Home Again Home Again

I broke my toe about two hours before I left. My little pinky toe. Just hooked it on my suitcase and Voila! broken toe. So the trip home was interesting, though not as painful as I expected, praise the Lord. SIM treated me well as I stayed there for a day. And it was surprising for me when I remembered I don't need to grab toilet paper on my way out because here, they all have toilet paper in the bathrooms.
Since I arrived in NJ yesterday, it's been good to see my family again. I got to meet my huge nephew and see my two little nieces now so big! But the thing about these past two days is that outside of the changes in the kids, everything feels the same, normal. It's not some crazy shock, and I'm not slipping into life perfectly here yet, but still, in a way, it's like I've never been gone.
This has me nervous because I think that in the next month it will set in just how much has changed, and this "normalcy" will only accentuate that.
Until that time, I'm going to sip coffee, sing songs, play with kids, and enjoy everyone like not a day has passed.
Thanks for your prayers, everyone! Come back to see how my adjustment is going in returning home.
Ps 84:10 says, "A day in your courts [in your will, where you want me] is better than a thousand outside [going where I want, staying where I want]."

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

One Week

I have one week until departure.
I'm buying my souvenirs, I'm getting business finished, I'm saying goodbye.
Then next Monday I leave.
My itinerary is as follows.
Monday-- Depart Kenya, 11pm
Tuesday- Arrive NC, SIM-USA 10pm
Wed'day- SIM debrief, Depart NC 5pm, arrive Philly 11:30 pm
Thursday Arrive NJ around 1am.
I know, it's pretty late for a ticker tape parade, but maybe we can just have it on Sunday. See you there!

Monday, June 2, 2008


It's June, everyone. June 2008. Do you know what happens in June? I finish my term; I leave Africa; I come home.