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Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Earlier post I tried to post...

Hey, everyone, I've made it! I'm in Kenya! I arrived last night (afternoon for you) and went to sleep! Last night, flying in was amazing. We were flying over the Lybian Desert, and it just went on for miles. Then it hit me--I've arrived in Africa. So here I am, luggage and all! After 24 hours in transit with 15 hours in the air, it's good to be on solid ground. It's good to be home.
Today, Tuesday, I have orientation, as I do for the rest of the week. Friday, I get a sneak peek at Kibera when I go to Chonesus, the program I'm working with. I found out today that most of the volunteers are Kenyans, so I'll really brush up on my Swahili!

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