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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A real day

Today is a real day. Today is one of those days where I know that in just a few days, I'll be boarding an airplane and it seems real. Two days ago was a denial day. Two days ago, my mind was refusing to wrap itself around the idea of my departure. It didn't feel like I was leaving soon. And a Real Day or Denial Day, either way, I have no concept of leaving for a year. Even if I wanted to think about it, I couldn't. I honestly don't know what being gone for a year feels like. Guess I'll find out soon. Keep praying for me. I'm saying my goodbyes (Elevate people, friends,) and am making some special time for others (Derbs, EE and Angel, my fam,) so that I'll leave on good terms and won't miss anyone. I mean, won't miss saying bye to everyone. I'll actually miss you all.
I don't know if I like real days. Good thing I don't have too many left!


Anonymous said...

Youre going to be missed melissa,we'll be praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.