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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Everything Went Wrong

This is the official update of the “Rob Time”.
It was absolutely great to have him here. I felt like a school girl when I first saw him in the airport before he saw me. Imagine, the first time I see him in 9 months. I found myself saying, “Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh.” That night, instead of conking out in an hour, we stayed up until 1 am, a full 3 hours after being in the house, the longest that I have known anyone to stay up after that flight.
While in Nairobi, he stayed in the townhouse next to me, and when we were in Kijabe I booked him a room in the motel a few doors from me. We were at Kijabe for four days, and worked three of those days. The rest of the time, I took him around Nairobi, including visiting Kibera twice.
He was fantastic! He jumped right in with everyone, whether it was my friends in Nairobi, or my work at Kijabe. He loved my surrogate brother Nathan who lives on the Nairobi compound, and loved Arthur, Rob’s self-appointed brother and my best friend in Kenya. Everyone liked him and he liked everyone, much to my pleasure.
But he didn’t like everything I wanted to show him. Well, he didn’t not like it, but he wasn’t impressed with it. He didn’t like the running course I told him to run and tried his own. An hour later, I got a call from him after he borrowed someone’s phone, and had to track him down with the vague descriptions I received. I ended up running with him, which I’m sure was always his dream, when it started downpouring on the walk home. (Thanks, Bwana, for the shoes.) I tried taking him to the Arboretum, which is a fancy park with monkeys all around. So I said, great, I’ll take him there! But apparently, if you want to actually see the monkeys, they hide. Not one monkey. I even tried to take him (and 7 other people) to the Nairobi Game Park for a one-day safari. The park has every big animal except the elephant. So I thought, great! But because of some confusion with the taxi, we ended up going nowhere at 6:15 am. Praise the Lord, even this he took in stride. Me, however, I was a wreck. So, all my plans turned up bad or messed up half the time. But that’s life, especially mine.
All in all, I was inspired by him here. I can’t wait to actually marry him when I get back. He’s an easy man to love. It even took some of the sting out when he said, “I’ll see you in 9 weeks!”
1 week down, Darling.

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