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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thanksgiving. And Thanksgiving...and Thanksgiving

Have no fear, my American friends. Here on the little Rose Avenue compound, I had Thanksgiving. Three times. On Wednesday was my first American Thanksgiving (which is not my first Thanksgiving here, thanks to my Canadian housemates) and it was simple, just us girls in the house. Only two out of 5 of us are American, but one imparticular (not me) likes to cook. We didn't have turkey, and like the first Thanksgiving here, the power went out and we had dinner by candlelight. A Kenyan Thanksgiving tradition. But what really made it Thanksgiving was the pumpkin pie. Then Thursday, while you at home were slicing your turkey and baking your pies, I had a Kenyan meal that my friend from work came over to cook for us. My feast was pork with ugali and chipati. Not your typical holiday meal, but maybe I'll try the same meal for Thanksgiving 2008. I know you all are worried about if I got any turkey at all...or mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, and cranberry sauce. Well, on Friday, my whole compound had a complete, official Thanksgiving meal. Considering not even half the attendees were American, we had a fine Thanksgiving meal with the biggest turkey I've seen in my life! I stuffed myself like a good American glutton on all the fixin's, including more pumpkin pie. Oh, but no cranberry sauce.
Happy (belated) Thanksgiving, everyone!!

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