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Monday, December 10, 2007

Angels Choir

It's been decided. I have heard the voice of angels. Now, since I've been here, I've heard amazing voices, which lift me to the heights of Heaven. But, yesterday at church, the Nairobi Chambers Choir sung for us. And they were amazing. Literally breath-taking. I could not believe that people could sound so sweet. From the first note till the last song, my mouth was dropped, and I was hooked. I could not stop talking about them all day long! As my friend says, I can't put it into words. So you'll have to trust me that they were beautiful.
It makes me think that if people can sound so good, then what will the angels sound like that fall before the Throne of God, exclaiming, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God almighty?" Will I ever find it ordinary? Or will the voice of angels always have such a lasting impression? If mere humans can take my breath away by the first note, how will I react to heavenly voices singing to the King?
Then that makes me think that if angels will sound more magnificent than what I heard yesterday, what will the voice of God Himself sound like? It says in Ps 33, "For the word of the Lord is right and true," which generally means the Bible and the Law. But it goes on to say, "By the word of the Lord were the heavens made, their starry hosts by the breath of his mouth....For He spoke and it came to be." This is about God's voice. If people can sound like angels, and angels sound better than that, what does the voice that created and sustains all creation sound like? It says (somewhere) that God will sing over us. Our only response is what Ps 33 tells us to do: Worship the Lord. With our bad voices, or okay voices, or angelic human voices, we, in response to hearing God's voice, will sing back to him praises.
"Mtakatifu, mtakatifu, mtakatifu, Bwana, Mungu Mwenye Nguvu." (Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty.)

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