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Saturday, December 1, 2007

World AIDS Day

Not only is it December, but it's the first day of December, and we all know that means World AIDS Day! Today, bow your head in prayer to God and plead with Him on behalf of those who are sick because of this disease, for the orphans, for the widowed, and for the grieving. Also praise Him for those who are alive and strong, who are infected but not yet dead, thanks to ARVs (anti-retroviral drugs), and pray for those who are living in such a way that they put themselves at risk. I read an article on Yahoo about how the rate of young adult infections have increased in America. We need people to know the risks, and take this disease seriously!
AIDS is an equalizer. It strikes if you are good or bad. It strikes if you are young, old, or in between. It strikes if you never put yourself at risk knowingly. It strikes mothers, fathers, children, lovers. It strikes if you are straight or gay, black or white, Indian or Asian. It strikes without discrimination. And if you aren't careful, it could strike you.
Jesus is an equalizer, too. He loves you if you are good or bad. He loves you if you're young, old, or in between. He loves you if you never let yourself know Him. He loves mothers, fathers, children, lovers. He loves you if you are straight or gay, black or white, Indian or Asian. He loves without discrimination. And if you want to, He could love you.
Psalm 27:10 Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will recieve me.
Zaburi 27: 10 Hata kama wazazi wangu wakinitupa, Mwenyezi-Mungu atanipokea kwake.

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