WorldTimeServer Clock


Saturday, December 22, 2007

Night buses, matatus, and visas, oh, my!

Ladies and gentlemen, it is almost 12 in the morning, and I am still up, trying to avoid both going to bed and packing. I don't like packing, especially when I know I have to travel 8 out of the next 10 days! I'm spending Christmas and New Year's upcountry. Tomorrow night, I'm leaving on a night bus to ride to western Kenya. Ever ride on a Kenyan bus? on Kenyan roads? at night? This is NOT Greyhound. I'll arrive at Kisumu at a fresh 4 am where we'll have to catch another bus to the border town of Busia, where a coworker and I will visit my friend's family scattered around the area. The main mode of transportation will be stuffing ourselves inside a taxi van of sorts, called a "matatu," which is known for crazy driving, blaring music, and packing in their riders. We'll be going to a Christmas service, catching fish (okay, maybe just buying them) from Lake Victoria, touring Busia, and buying up tons of bananas. After that, I'll hop the border to **Uganda** and spend two days there and get my passport stamped with another country's visa (score!). I'll miss New Year's in Uganda by a day, and instead will celebrate on the other side of the border in Busia. After the official start of the new year, it's off to Nairobi again, back home, just in time to celebrate my birthday (January 2nd, tell all your friends). So no chance of hearing from me for a while. Until then, Christmas Njema na Mwaka Mpya Mwema!
Now how am I going to avoid packing?


Anonymous said...

We are praying for your safety, particularly in light of the recent elections. And for opportunities to share about the love and peace of Christ in the midst of turmoil. Please let us know how you are!

Anonymous said...

happy belated birthday! rob has been keeping us updated on the lastest news. just wanted to let you know you are on the top of many prayer lists! can't want to hear how God is increasing your faith through it all. love in Christ, laur (coleman)

Anonymous said...

What you wouldn't do to get your passport stamped! And you thought packing was a nuisance? Perspective, honey, perspective. 8)We are thanking God for His protection and provisions,for your leader's wise counsel, and that you are now home in Nairobi. No pressure but we are waiting for a blog update ASAP! Love, Di