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Monday, January 14, 2008

And the days drag on

Some are asking, "Melissa, so you're back safe...but what are you doing?" I have yet to return to my ministry. Kibera is too hostile for us white folks just yet. I have had other work to do around the compound, though, work that would help serve the administration here. I have NOT been stuck on the compound. In fact, for the past week, I've been able to travel around Nairobi as usual. However, this could all change Wednesday, which is supposed to kick off a three-day rally in Nairobi and other parts of Kenya. This can be potentially harmful. Today I went to the grocery store and stocked up on foods, as did the rest of Nairobi! It means that I will be on lockdown from Wednesday to Friday, and maybe even longer. These rallies have a making of another outburst, as police are in full force, and protesters are gearing up for a fight. Hopefully, these rallies will be cancelled like the past few attempts have been. So my status right now is that I'm doing administrative work, and allowed to roam about with the usual restrictions, but all that could change in just a couple days! Pray about this...only God is wise enough to know the answers. I'll give you an update on Wednesday, or you could look to BBC News. For now, admin calls...

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