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Sunday, January 6, 2008

Let me tell you a story

Let me tell you a story. My safari didn't go as expected, as everyone knows by now. While I saw beautiful sights (hills in my backyard, Lake Victoria in my front yard, and the source of the Nile), I also saw the border one too many times, really big guns whose names I don't know, and it was dark when I flew home so no beautiful sights. I had fun with my companions Adam and Arthur, but it was sad when I had to say goodbye to Arthur at the border because he shouldn't have crossed again with us (he's Kenyan). Let me tell you a story. In the past two weeks I have climbed three gorgeous hills, seen Lake Victoria 5 times, dipped my foot in the Nile River, laughed so hard it hurt, cried so hard it hurt, been in a van with 6 people over the limit twice, drank more Coke than in the two years before, paid 20 times the amount for a taxi, had 1L of petrol be the most important issue in my life, and paid for a visa to Uganda twice in 24 hours. I'm not sure how to include everything. But I want to tell you about the Maasai warrior who protected us with a poisoned bow and arrow that his hand made, I want to tell you about a bird so big it can stare you in the eyes (maribu stork), I want to tell you about my hope in God's plan and my impatience when His plan wasn't mine. I want to tell you in chronological detail about everything. But that would be a post too big to read. I hope to post little clips of my stories over the next few weeks as I unravel it for myself. Sorry for the wait. But I've learned a lot about waiting these past couple weeks, so consider it a lesson.
"If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land."


Anonymous said...

My first thought is, "But I can't wait that long! Out With It!" Ironic, isn't it? We all know how the story ends (you are safely home) yet this really is not the end nor is it, even, the theme. Glory to God!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for your service to Him, and I am thankful that you are safe. I look forward to hearing all of the details that He worked out.

I love you!
- C

Anonymous said...

Crikey Jenkins! how come you're having all the fun? :) miss you, jealous of your adventures but not the being locked inside and ripped off part! I'll think of you as i stroll casually down the peaceful streets, blending into the crowd and staying out till... wait for it... after dark! Oh yeah...