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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Prisoner for Christ

Well, maybe not for Christ directly, but He brought me here! I am on lockdown today, a day earlier than the demonstrations are supposed to start. Today, Parliament opened, and police in riot gear were all over the street. One slum (not Kibera) was having attacks on homes again and some of our Kenyan staff on the compound were sent home. It seems as if this stalemate between the leaders will go on for longer. Again, look to BBC News for up-to-date information. Think of me as you leave your houses to go to work, or the store, or a friend's house. And think of Kenya as we hunker down again and wait out the next political storm.
Rob, where's your package now?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey melissa,

praying for you...that He will continue to prepare you for the work He has planned for you and grant you peace while you wait on Him to see it revealed!

:) laura c