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Sunday, March 9, 2008

More Good News

So someone went to Kenya in June last year, right? And that someone was engaged. Well, now that someone's fiance is coming to visit her! I'll give you 10 Kenyan Shillings if you can guess who I'm talking about.
Okay, so this week has been amazing. First, I get a job, and a place to stay at that job. Then, I get to see a booked ticket for Rob Patterson to come to Kenya! He's coming in just a few short weeks. He arrives here the 27th of March and will be here for 10 days. We'll do some tourist stuff and some work (put him to work on his vacation, that's right). And then he'll come home with stories of the great work that's happening in Kenya.
Now I have to run. Today is busy, since I have to get everything together for my move tomorrow. It's weird to see my bedroom's walls so bare. It was covered with letters and cards from everyone back home. Now, it's stripped. What a rotten reminder that I'll be leaving here in three months. Until then, I have a new place to move into, new coworkers and roommates, new work, and if that's not enough to take my mind off things, Rob will.
Thanks, Dad, for help with the good news. And thanks Heavenly Dad, too!

1 comment:

Celess said...

Yay!! Yay!! God is good.