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Thursday, March 6, 2008

Nina Fanya Kazi!

That's Swahili for "I have work!" After two months of searching for another ministry, I finally have found one. I will be working at Kijabe Hospital, in Kijabe, Kenya. It's a small town an hour from where I'm currently staying. The hospital is a missionary hospital, started by Africa Inland Mission (AIM). They have an AIDS section, where they have a full clinic, pharmacy, and community work. The initiative is "Relief for AIDS." I will be involved in the community work, which looks a lot like what I was doing in Kibera. I have a chance to work in different areas around Kijabe, and visit many clients in their houses. I will give them company, pray with them, read Scripture with them, like before, and as a new aspect, will be helping medically, too, by counting pills to make sure they are on track, and asking about any opportunistic infections (since HIV lowers your immune system, you are more likely to get infections).
I'll be living on hospital grounds, with two Kenyan doctors (women, of course). I will again have my own room, which is cool to have still, and have many of the same amenities I have here (including a washing machine, praise the Lord). I probably won't have easy access to internet like I do here, but I will make it a point to try to get online when I can.
I am really excited about this chance, and about moving to a new set of friends. Not to mention, I'll be involved in a ministry that's connected to the culture again. Plus, since I'm living with Kenyans, I'll brush up on my mad ugali skills (you know, the cake-like staple made of maize flour. You know.)
Now I have to pack up my room to get ready for the move Monday!

1 comment:

Celess said...

How exciting! I have been praying that God would show you where you should be next. Praise Him!